Community Education is Here For Your
MCEA Legislative Platform
Here For You
In life, our needs ebb and flow. Sometimes there’s rhyme and reason to our circumstances, sometimes there is not. But when life allows us to develop a skill; when the only thing missing is additional training; when you’re new in town and need familiarity; we’re here for you.
Community Education is here to create opportunities of impact, partnership and belonging that connect our community members more closely to the heart of life.
Connect With Us to Learn More:
Matt Dickhausen – Executive Directory – 320-455-2407
Valerie Dosland – Lobbyist – 612-490-3052

Community Education is
a statewide initiative reaching every community in Minnesota through local schools and school districts.
For more than 50 years, local community education programs have partnered with communities across the state to address local community needs. We create impactful programming for ALL participants to feel a sense of belonging in their community. We ensure access to quality opportunities and resources that are inclusive of the needs of ALL residents in order to eliminate opportunity gaps, positively impact communities, and encourage them to grow as individuals.
Additional Investments are also needed to serve learners of all ages.

Legislative support is needed to ensure program sustainability.
2024 Legislative Priorities Include:
Expand the School Age Care Levy to include three and four year old programming. This change would provide out of school childcare support for Early Childhood through Grade 6.
Fund early childhood preschool programming appropriately to meet the diverse needs of Minnesota families and the delivery costs of a district’s defined model.
Establish an ongoing funding stream for unemployment insurance.
Clarify the adults with disabilities statute to align with other existing Community Education funding approval and reporting processes.